Busan City Hall

City Government


Busan Metropolitan City Ordinance on the Joint Use of Research and Development Equipment

By 제조혁신과 Dec 6, 2021 228  Views

Busan Metropolitan City Ordinance on the Joint Use of Research and Development Equipment In-charge Department: Office of Digital Economy Innovation, Industry and Commerce Bureau, Manufacturing Innovation Division

(Enaction) Febraury 5, 2020 Ordinance No. 6093

(Partial Revision) July 7, 2021 Ordinance No. 6401 (Busan Metropolitan City Ordinance for Setup of Administrative Organization)

  • Article 1 (Purpose)
  • The ordinance aims at stipulating the requirements to manage efficiently, and promote the use of, the research and developemtn equipments possessed by public institutions, research institutes, and universities in Busan Metropolitan City to nurture the scientific technologies, and promote the research and development activities, in Busan Metropolitan City.
  • Article 2 (Definition)
  • The ordinance shal use the terms, which are defined as follows:
    • 1. “Research and devleopment equipment” means the equipment and supplementary facility, which demand instituions, supervising institutions, and managing institutions are able to utilize via the joint network formed by research equipments that are in possession of public institutions, research institutes, and universities (hereafter called “Public Institution, Etc.) in Busan Metropolitan City with more than 10 million Korean Won spent for buildup.
    • 2. “Joint use of the research and development equipment” means using the research and development equpment jointly by demand institutions.
    • 3. “Supervising institution” means the institution, which oversees the joint use of research and development equipment.
    • 4. “Managing instituion” means the institution, which possesses the research and development equipment and participates in the joint use.
    • 5. “Demand institution” means the institution, such as company and research institute, which is in need of using the research and development equipment for the research and development and pilot production of scientific technologies.
  • Article 3 (Duties)
  • Busan Metropolitan City shall strive fully to manage the research and development equipments, possessed by the Public Instituion, Etc., efficiently and maximize their use,
  • Article 4 (Planning and Execution)
  • ① The mayor of the Busan Metropolitan City (hereafter called “Mayor”) shall plan for and execute the join use plan for the research and development equipment each and every year.
  • ② For Paragraph 1, the Mayor may request the head of an institute and/or organization related to the research and development equipment to provide data needed.
  • ③ The relevant institution and/or organization, asked to provide the data under Paragraph 2, shall cooperate fully for the request, unless there is a specific reason.
  • Article 5 (Survey)
  • ① The Mayor may investigate the possession and use of the research and development equipment by the Public Institution, Etc. to advance the joint use of the research and development equipment effectively.
  • ② The Mayor may consign a survey, if conducting pursuant to Paragraph 1, to the supervising institution, and support the expense, in entirety or in part, within the budget, if needed.
  • Article 6 (Designation of Supervising Institution)
  • ① The Mayor may designate, for the supervision institution, an institution or organization which is deemed capable of carrying out the support for jointly using the research and development equipment,
  • ② The supervision institution shall execute the activities of the following subparagraphs:
    • 1. Planning for the efficient management and joint use of the research and development equipment
    • 2. Demand survey, survey and analysis of current status, database establishment, buildup and operation of a management system for the research and development equipment
    • 3. Production, distribution, management and use promotion for the research and development equipment information
    • 4. Planning for the education and publicity for the joint use of the research and development equipment
    • 5. Support for the usage fee of the research and development equipment
    • 6. Other requirements for the equpment securing and efficient use
  • ③ The Mayor may support the expense required to advance the activity in Paragraph 2 within the budget.
  • Article 7 (Evaluation)
  • ① The Mayor shall evaluate the result of the joint use of the research and development equipment each and every year.
  • ② The Mayor shall prepare for the improvement measures for poorly performed items in the evaluation in Paragraph 1, and may reward an instituion, wchi has made an outstanding contribution to invigorating the joint use of the research and development equipment.
  • Article 8 (Maintenance and Management of Research and Development Equipment)
  • ① The demand institution shall fulfill the duty of care as a good administrator in using the research and development equipment, and take necessary measures, suh as compensation and repair, in the event of damage and malfunctioning.
  • ② The managing institution shall strive to provide the information on research and development equipment, which is hard to use due to damage and malfunctioning, in a swift manner, and ensure that other demand institutions use the research and development equipment with no inconveniences.
  • Article 9 (Setup of Research and Development Equipment Operation Council)
  • The Mayor shall have the Busan Metropolitan City Research and Development Equipment Operation Council (hereafter called “Council”) in place to deliberate on the matters about the joint use of the research and development equipment in the following subparagraphs:
    • 1. Planning for the joint use of the research and development equipment
    • 2. Designation of the supervising institution
    • 3. Performance evaluation for the joint use of the research and development equipment
    • 4. Any matter deemed otherwise necessary by the Mayor
  • Article 10 (Composition and Operation)
  • ① The Council shall consist of up to 15 members, including one each for the chairperson and the vice chairperson.
  • ② A Director General of the Industry and Commerce Bureau shall act as the chairperson of the Council with the vice chairperson elected out of the members.
  • ③ A head of the department in charge of the joint use of the research and development equipment shall act as an ex-officio member with other members of the Council appointed by the Mayor in consideration of gender
    • 1. Person recommended by the Busan Metropolitan City Council
    • 2. Chief in charge of equipment in public institution
    • 3. Specialist related to the research and development equipment for scientific technology
    • 4. Research and development worker in company
    • 5. Any person dong the Mayor
  • ④ The meeting of the Council shall convene with the attendance of a majority of the registered members, and decide with the consent of a majority of the attending members.
  • ⑤ The Council shall constitute upon the incident of agenda, and dissolve automatically after deliberation and decision.
  • ⑥ The chairperson shall determine, with the decision of the Council, the requirements, other that the stipulation in the ordinance, to operate the Council.
  • ⑦ The Council-attending appointed members may be provided the allowance and travel expense within the budget.
  • Article 11 (Usage Fee for Research and Development Equipment)
  • ① The supervising institution may collect the usage fee for using the research and development equipment upon the principle of pay-for-service.
  • ② Each superising institution shall determine own usage fees in Paragraph 1 and post for the knowledge of demand institutions.
  • Supplementary Provision

  • The ordinance shall be in effect upon proclamation.
  • Supplementary Provision (Busan Metropolitan City Ordinance for the Administrative Institution Setup) <July 7, 2021>

  • Article 1 (Effective Date)
  • The ordinance shall be in effect upon proclamation.
  • Article 2 Omitted
  • Article 3 (Revision of Other Ordinance)
  • ①~(57) Omitted (58) The Busan Metropolitan City Ordinance on the Joint Use of Research and Development Equipment shall be revised, in part, as follows: “Director General of Future Industry Bureau” in Article 10 Paragraph 2 shall be replaced by “Director General of Industry and Commerce Bureau.”
  • (59)~(79) Omitted