

News & Notices

Busan Marine Natural History Museum : Exhibition Information

2004-02-12 1116  Views
The large-scale reptile exhibition in the tropical creature room at Busan Marine Natural History Museum is open to the public.

Open : Mar. ~ Nov. 09:00~18:00 / Nov.~ Feb. 09:00~17:00
Closed : New Year’s Day, Mondays
Admission : Adult 1,500Won, Youth 1,000Won, Child 600Won
Direction : 20 minutes on foot from Oncheon Subway Station, Located between Geumgang Park and Botanical Garden.
Tel : 051) 553 – 4944~5
Web site : http://seaworld.busan.kr

* Oceanic species in the Tropical Creature Room

Crocodiles : Sham Crocodile, American Alligator, etc. ( total 3 species)
Lizards : Frilled lizard, Water Monitor, etc. ( total 13 species)
Snakes : Green Anaconda, India King Snake etc. ( total 6 species)
Turtles : Spurred Tortoise, Alligator Snapping Turtle, etc. ( total 9 species)