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Tom Cruise now an honorary Busan citizen

2013-01-18 1283  Views

Hollywood’s top star Tom Cruise has become an honorary Busan citizen.


Busan City has delivered honorary Busan citizenship to Tom Cruise who is visiting Busan for the first time to promote his new film “Jack Reacher” on Jan. 10. The city delivered the proof of citizenship to thank Cruise for choosing Busan to promote his new feature film. Actress Rosamund Pike as well as director Christopher McQuarrie who is visiting Busan for the first time with Tom Cruise received the honor bestowed upon them by the port city.

This is the sixth visit to Korea for Tom Cruise and he proposed to have a special meet and greet to meet regional fans and chose Busan for the film’s press tour. Tom Cruise said, “I have visited Korea many times, but this is my first time visiting Busan. It is a great honor to be a Busan citizen.”

Tom Cruise’s visit to the port city proves that Busan has established its status as a film city in Asia. The fact that a top Hollywood star visited during a non-film festival season proves that Busan is the Hollywood of Asia. The Hollywood heartthrob’s visit, which is grabbing the attention of many world media is expected to become another opportunity for Busan to show its features as a film city to the world.

The source of news: Dynamic Busan