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'Comfortable Shoes' listed as One of the Worlds 1,000 Inventions

2004-04-23 1250  Views
Park Cha-cheol, professor at Dong-seo University invented 'Comfortable Shoes’ and they are listed in the International Federation of Inventors' Association’s (IFIA) ‘1,000 Inventions in the World.’ It was released on the 1st and 688 items from 102 countries are listed. Koreans invented 22 of the items.

Professor Park’s ‘Comfortable Shoes’ are easy to wear because they use a zipper to secure them making them ideal for infants and the disabled. In addition the shoes have an anti-microbial property because the shoes’ liners are made from high-performance textile material and is coated with 99.9% pure silver or gold. They help blood circulation in the feet. Test products are already on the market and they will soon be mass-produced.

Professor Park won a silver medal at the 53rd German International Idea-Invention Convention for New Field Products exhibition in Munich, Germany in 2003. He also won a bronze medal in the Korean Patent Technology Exhibition in 2003.

He says that he uses inventions to enhance the creative problem-solving abilities of his university students. “I’m so glad to win awards. Above all, educational organization should recognize the importance of using inventions in education. In a sense, invention is a key element in the competitive life of a university.”

He has invented about fifty items, published a textbook called ‘Invention and Patent’ and is the chairman of the Association of Korean University Inventors.

The source of news : Busanilbo, Friday April 23, 2004, 8:22