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APEC symposium on marine environment opens in Busan

2005-11-02 1204  Views

An APEC symposium on marine environment opened in Busan on Tuesday (Nov. 1) with some 150 experts from APEC member countries and environment-related international organizations, such as the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Partnership in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Sea (PEMSEA), Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in attendance.

Participants in the two-day symposium at Nongshim Hotel will present their experience, expertise and cases on the protection of the marine environment from land-based sources of pollution, discuss problems raised at the meeting and share information about tackling pollution.

It is reported that 80 percent of marine pollution originates from land and since polluted materials entering the sea are moved afar, it is crucial for coastal countries to cooperate with their neighbors to resolve the problem.

On an international level, the Global Program of Action aimed at preventing the degradation of the marine environment from land-based activities was adopted in 1995 and efforts were being made on national and regional levels.


The source of news : Korea.net November 01, 2005