

News & Notices

Sale PIFF Tickets

2005-09-23 1380  Views

General tickets for the 10th installment of the Pusan International Film Festival will start with advanced sales on September 23rd at 9:30 AM. The tickets can be purchased through the official web site, www.piff.org, Pusan Bank (all branches around the country, ATM, or phone banking), Mega Box Coex Mall in Seoul, Young-Deung-Po and Avenuel Lotte Cinema, Su-won and Dae-gu Mega Box. Internet booking is available after charging the PIFF Cash.

The ticket price of the general exhibition is \5,000. The tickets for movies shown at a reduced admission fee for early morning, that will be screened from September 10th to September 13th, is \3,000. Outdoor screenings will be on sale at the price of \4,000 and for juveniles and teenagers the movie festival entry fee is \4,000.

PIFF movie catalogues have been widely distributed to the public at Busan Bank branches around Busan and main book stores from September 21st. Seoul, Su-won and Dae-gu have started to distribute movie catalogues from September 22nd. 1688-3010


The source of news : Busanilbo  2005. 09.23. 08:39