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Free Coffee Event with Commitment to Carbon Neutrality

2023-11-23 174  Views

텀블러 다오! 커피줄께
텀블러를 가져오시면 무료커피를 드립니다.

부산 탄소중립정책 개발 아이디어론 
내가 Green 부산, 탄소중립과 함께하는 무료커피차
탄소중립정책 설문 조사에 참여하고 친환경 제품과 커피 받아가자!
1회차 - 11월27일, 11:00 - 부산대학교 새벽벌 도서관 일대
2회차 - 12월4일, 11:00 - 부산창조경제혁신센터(센텀 그린타워)일대
무료커피 소진시까지 
QR코드를 찍고 설문조사에 참여하시면 추첨을 통해 다양한 경품을 드립니다.
텀블러 다오! 커피줄께
텀블러를 가져오시면 무료커피를 드립니다.
함께하는 사람들
부산광역시 영화의전당 부산창조경제혁신센터 Better Monday
부산대학교 리서치한국 and You 맑음 부산대학교환경연합회

The city of Busan is organizing a “free coffee event with a commitment to carbon neutrality” on two days, November 27 in PNU and December 4 in the commercial district area of Centum City, Haeundae-gu.

The event venues are in areas with populations mostly comprised of university students and office workers who are big consumers of coffee. The Busan-based coffee company, Better Monday Korea Co., Ltd., will offer free coffee to those who bring their own tumbler or reusable cup.

The event aims to encourage people to use tumblers or reusable cups, instead of disposable cups, and become more familiar with the city’s carbon neutral policy ideas.

Free Coffee Event with Commitment to Carbon Neutrality

November 27, 2023, 11:00 around Pusan National University (PNU) Sae Byeok Beol Library

December 4, 2023, 11:00 around Busan Creative Economy Innovation Center (Centum Green Tower) in Haeundae-gu

The event will last until the coffee runs out. (300 cups of coffee)

The following institutions and companies are participating in the event.

Busan-based coffee company Better Monday Korea Co., Ltd., Busan Creative Economy Innovation Center, Busan Cinema Center, Pusan National University, PNU Environment Association