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Culture City of East Asia ‘Message of Hope’ Online Event

2021-10-07 261  Views

부산광역시 Busan Metropolitan City
동아시아문화도시 2021 희망의메세지 on Live
부산문화회관 대극장 YouTube 생중계 (배시시TV) 

The Culture City of East Asia ‘Message of Hope’ event is set to take place from October 8th to 9th at the Busan Cultural Center. Three cities from Korea, China and Japan – Busan, Harbin, Kanazawa – selected as Culture Cities of East Asia in 2018 have been hosting the event annually to promote continuous cultural and artistic exchanges since 2018. This year’s event will be broadcast online on the Busan Cultural Center YouTube channel.



Oct. 8, 7:30 p.m. - Concert and Performance by the Busan Metropolitan Traditional Orchestra, Busan Metropolitan Dance Company

Oct. 9, 5:00 p.m. - Concert by the Busan Metropolitan Chorus, UKO Orchestra

*The event brochure is attached in pdf format.

Busan Cultural Center Website: https://www.bscc.or.kr/01_perfor/?mcode=0401010100&mode=2&no=22823&year=2021&month=10

Culture City of East Asia 2018 Busan

The Cultural Cities of East Asia first commenced based on an agreement during a Japan-China-ROK meeting of the Ministers of Culture. This annual project selects three cities in Japan, China and the ROK to hold various cultural and artistic events with the aim of promoting artistic and cultural development in the East Asian region and enabling the three countries to foster a mutual understanding and sense of unity in the region. The project also enhances the ability to showcase the highly diverse cultures of East Asia.

In 2018, Busan was selected as the cultural city of Korea, along with the lively cultural cities of Harbin in China and Kanazawa in Japan respectively.