

フォト ギャラリー

You will hear the news of EXPO victory report.


엑스포 승전보를 전하겠소.
You will hear the news of EXPO victory report. 

November 28th
Being the host of the 2030 World EXPO is our destiny!
The day will mark the end period of our battle.
Gather every wish to proclaim
victory on the day of November 28th.
I will shout news of our glorious victory across the seas of Busan.

2023.4.2~7 BIE Enquiry Mission (Evaluate Infrastructure & Citizens  Support)
2023.6.20 BIE General Assembly 4th Presentation
2023.11.28 Host Country Decision (Secret Ballot by 182 BIE Member Countries)

The host city of the 2030 World EXPO will be decided on the 28th of November. 
Let s support and cheer on Busan until the very end to achieve
everyone s aspiration, hosting the 2030 World EXPO! 

You will hear the news of EXPO victory report.

November 28th

Being the host of the 2030 World EXPO is our destiny!

The day will mark the end period of our battle.

Gather every wish to proclaim victory on the day of November 28th.

I will shout news of our glorious victory across the seas of Busan.

2023.4.2~7 BIE Enquiry Mission (Evaluate Infrastructure & Citizens' Support)

2023.6.20 BIE General Assembly 4th Presentation

2023.11.28 Host Country Decision (Secret Ballot by 182 BIE Member Countries)

The host city of the 2030 World EXPO will be decided on the 28th of November.

Let's support and cheer on Busan until the very end to achieve everyone's aspiration, hosting the 2030 World EXPO!