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홈 TrailRoute 5Route 5-1

Route 5-1

Route 5-1: Nakdonggang Estuary Embankment ~ Sinho Port

            Nakdonggang Estuary Embankment ~ Myeongji Ocean City 6.0km / 120mins -> Myeongji Ocean City ~ Sinhodaegyo Bridge 3.3km / 70mins ->
            Sinhodaegyo Bridge ~ Sinho Port 4.8km / 100mins 
            Nakdonggang Estuary Embankment ~ Myeongji Ocean City 6.0km / 120mins -> Myeongji Ocean City ~ Sinhodaegyo Bridge 3.3km / 70mins ->
            Sinhodaegyo Bridge ~ Sinho Port 4.8km / 100mins
Route 5-1 picture
  • starting pointStarting point
  • Finishing pointFinishing point

Route 5-1

Total Distance: 14.1km, Total Time: 5hrs, Difficulty: Moderate

Trekkers can see the group dance of winter migratory birds arriving closer than anywhere else in Korea, crossing Eulsukdo Island at the mouth of the Nakdonggang River, the largest migratory bird destination in the East, and reaching the Myeongji mudflat with four colors of reeds. After crossing the Sinhodaegyo Bridge, the scenery of Jinudo Island at the mouth of the Nakdonggang River and Gadeokdo Island in the distance is so great that you want to stay.

Surrounding attractions