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What is Galmaetgil

홈 What is GalmaetgilPreparation Galmaetgil Walking Certification

Galmaetgil Walking Certification

What is Galmaetgil Walking Certification?

  • Busan City installed 43 certification stands at the start, middle, and end points of each route of Galmaetgil (9 routes, 23 sub-routes, 278.8 km) to implement the walking certification system.
  • The walking certification is a system that allows you to receive a walking certification passport (at the back gate of the information desk on the 1st floor of Busan City Hall, Gu/Gun Office, Galmaetgil Tour Lounge, and Green Walking Office), get a stamp (at the start, middle, and end point) while walking Galmaetgil, receive a completion certification, and obtain a Galmaetgil completion certificate, medal, badge, and souvenir.

Offline Walking Certification(Procedure)

Step 1 Receipt of walking cetification passport City/Gu/Gun Office, Galmaetgil Tour Lounge, Green Walking Corp.
          Step 2 Get a stamp Get stamped at the certification stand for each course(located at start, middle, end point) Step 3 Walking completion cetification Get a completion certification and a souvenir(from Green Waling Corp.)

Online Waling Certification (Procedure)

Step 1 Check the QR code at the walking certification stand. Step 2 (Sign up for the Busan City website) Scan QR code with your mobile phone. Step 3 Check online walking certification.

Using Galmaetgil smartphone app

Using Galmaetgil smartphone app After instaling the Busan Galmaetgil walking tour app on Google Play or Apple App Store, follow the guide.

Things to note when walking on Galmaetgil

  • The recommended walking time for trekkers' safety is from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm (5pm in winter).
  • Start walking after warming up your muscles enough.
  • Be careful not to deviate from the designated route by fully recognizing the course through the guide map and website.
  • Walk together as much as possible, and when walking alone, inform your family or acquaintances of your location and safety from time to time.
  • Check your location from time to time while walking, and inform the police and fire department of your location in an emergency.
  • Wear comfortable clothes and hiking shoes, and bring water to quench your thirst.
  • Ensure your safety when passing by roadsides with cars.
  • Please bring your personal emergency medicines.