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[Busan Travel Log] Discovering the Hidden Gem of Busan: Yeongdo Island

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Not too long ago, Yeongdo Island was an undiscovered treasure, relatively untouched by development. Its port played a vital role in the import and export of goods, but today, Yeongdo has emerged as a popular destination, especially among young travelers. Notably, the White Water Culture Village has become a well-known spot on the island, boasting a collection of charming restaurants, cafes, and accommodation options, making it a must-visit.

Unlike the bustling crowds of Haeundae or Gwangalli, Yeongdo offers a quieter escape for those who prefer a more peaceful atmosphere. This quaint island provides an ideal retreat from the noise and commotion of the city.

Yeongdo has a rich history as a hub for coffee trade due to its prominent port. Based on this history, the island's coffee culture has flourished. You'll even find the second branch of "Momos Coffee," run by a world barista champion.

Additionally, Yeongdo is famous for its nighttime beauty. With its hilly terrain, the island creates a captivating spectacle after dark, as each house illuminates, resembling stars in the night sky. For a breathtaking view, head to one of the elevated points, and you'll witness the mesmerizing cityscape of the North Port area, currently under development for the 2030 World Expo.

Yeongdo Island, where you can savor the sea, enjoy the nighttime vistas, and indulge in delicious cuisine, is a true hidden gem in Busan. Don't miss the opportunity to explore this charming, unspoiled corner of the city.

From. Kim Hayoung

◎ Please send your Busan travel stories via this email! dailybusan11@gmail.com 
Kim Hayoung

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