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[Busan Travel Log] From a Different Perspective: The Beauty of Busan and Yeongdo Bridge

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The Lotte Department Store Gwangbok Branch offers a unique experience with its sky garden and observation deck, providing a panoramic 360-degree view of the surrounding area, which includes Nampo-dong and Busan's picturesque waterfront. From this vantage point, visitors can indulge in breathtaking vistas of Nampo-dong, Busan's bustling harbor, the adjacent Jagalchi Fish Market, and the sprawling cityscape that unfolds below. The charm of this view is particularly enchanting during the evening hours when the city comes alive with a dazzling display of lights.

Yeongdodaegyo and Busandaegyo Bridges, akin to siblings, serve as vital connectors between the district of Jung-gu and Yeongdo. The most opportune time to witness these two remarkable bridges is around 2:00 p.m., the sole moment in the day when Yeongdodaegyo Bridge undergoes a lifting operation. This captivating event never fails to draw a crowd, as people eagerly await this daily spectacle, making it one of the most captivating attractions to behold in Busan.

From. Arman Carinan

◎ Please send your Busan travel stories via this email! dailybusan11@gmail.com 
Arman Carinan

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