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[Busan Travel Log] Bexco, the largest exhibition hall in Busan

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BEXCO is surrounded by astonishing architecture. The building itself is designed like a work of art, catching your eye from the moment you see it. Once you step inside, you can experience new knowledge and cultures through various exhibitions and conferences from around the world.

The most memorable moment for me was when I visited the AI&Thechnology exhibition. It showcases thechnologies by renowned tech companies from around the world. 

BEXCO also hosts international conferences and exhibitions where experts from diverse fields come together to exchange knowledge and collaborate. Here, I had the opportunity to listen to discussions on global future trends and learn about upcoming business trends.

Additionally, there are plenty of delicious restaurants and shops around BEXCO, allowing you to enjoy meals and go shopping. In the evening, I strolled along the nearby Centum City, admiring the beautiful night view of Busan.

BEXCO offers a modern and diverse experience for those visiting Busan, making it one of the places I definitely want to revisit during my Busan trip.

From. Shin Myeonggi

◎ Please send your Busan travel stories via this email! dailybusan11@gmail.com 
Shin Myeonggi

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