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[Busan Travel Log] The Majestic Mermaid Statue of Busan

[Busan Travel Log] 해운대 해수욕장 '인어 조각상'을 소개합니다


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Haeundae Beach is one of the most popular and well-known beaches in the city. But less known to many tourists, there is a mermaid statue that is located in the Haeundae Beach area. 

This Haeundae Mermaid Statue is also known as the 'Princess Hwagok' Mermaid Statue. The statue depicts a mermaid sitting on a rock, looking out to the sea. It's a bronze sculpture that has become an iconic symbol of Haeundae Beach. The mermaid is holding a mirror in one hand and a comb in the other, which are common symbols associated with mermaids in folklore. 

It is not only a popular tourist attraction but also has cultural significance. The statue was based on the legend of Princess Hwagok, who, according to local folklore, was transformed into a mermaid and now watches over the sea, waiting for her lost love to return. 

From. Arman Carinan

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Arman Carinan

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