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This Is Not Just Local: Tactical Practices

Saturday, 24 February, 2024 - Friday, 7 July , 2024 ~
Gallery F1 & F2, Outdoor Garden
Gang Moonsick, Kang Woo-Young, Mackerel Safranski, Kim Kyung-man, Kim Kyunghwa, Kim Dohee, Kim Su-jeong, Kim Young-jo, Kim Wonjin, Kim Eung-su, Kim Gemini, Kim Ji-gon, Kim Jeesoo, Localtouch, Mauro Herce, Park Sangeun, Bac Jungwon, Park Ji-sun, Paik Jongkwan, Seo Minjeong, Sonia Ladidá, Sohn Kooyong, Song Kicheol, Shin Na-ri, SINTOBURI CLUB, Lab C, Sim Jeomhwan, Yang Jazoo, F5, Yeo Sanghee, WOMAN OPEN TECH LAB, Artspace Youngjumansion, Oda Kaori, Oh Minwook, Wang Dukkyoung, Yu Chaejung, Yoon Ji-hye, Julia Lohmann & Kim Kayoung, Inoue Rie, Lee Yeongjun, Lee Hanbum, Lim Hyunjeong, Jeon ji, Jung Yunsun, Jung Jae-hoon, Cheong Jinyun, James Benning, Taiki Sakpisit, Tiffany Chung, Hugh Watt (51 individuals and teams) | Associate curatorial panel: Kim Sosul(Busan MoCA), Kim Sujeong · Yi Bongmi (Artspace Youngjumansion), Kim Eunjoo (GEOJE SUMDO), NACCA(Nayuta), Park Mira · Changpa (Lab C), Oh Minwook(Busan Independent Film Association), Choi Seung-Hyun(Independent curator)
Game media, paintings, film, performance, and installations (approx. 149 artworks)
Kim Sosul


In light of recent concerns over the decimation of local culture, Busan MoCA introduces This Is Not Just Local: Tactical Practices in its endeavor to explore and thereby reconfigure the meaning of locality beyond the hierarchical formula of center and periphery. The exhibition is designed by a number of curators and artists from Busan’s local community, who came together to form a preliminary research group and executive committee in the hopes of actively questioning and challenging the concept of locality instead of stopping short at offering superficial interpretations within the framework of state-centric paradigms. By presenting shared practices of one another’s experiences, encounters, and alliances through the concept of “tactics,” drawn from studies of war, the exhibition investigates a subset of themes such as ① Strategic point_the rumored spot, ② Embodied memory, ③ Network into the future, ④ That landscape as it always were ⑤ Anxiety-Coordination-Coexistence ⑥ Sense of Boundaries, and ⑦ Polyphonic speaking. Tactics refer to the readjustment of assigned cultural structures, through which the exhibition aims to investigate questions, experiences, attitudes, and zeitgeists that are connectively derived beyond geopolitical locales rather than being tethered to geographic places.

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