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As flu cases hit record levels, officials advise people to get vaccinated


Busan City is urging residents to get vaccinated before the Lunar New Year holiday to prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses. The warning comes as influenza and COVID-19 cases surge nationwide.

The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) reported a sharp rise in the influenza-like illness rate, with the number of suspected flu patients reaching 99.8 per 1,000 outpatient visits in the first week of January. This figure marks an 8-year high and is significantly higher than the 2023 peak of 61.3 and 2022’s 60.7

The government provides free flu vaccines to children aged 6 months to 13 years, pregnant women and seniors aged 65 and older. It typically takes two weeks for antibodies to develop after vaccination, with immunity lasting approximately six months.

The KDCA states the flu vaccine is closely aligned with the flu strains currently in circulation, A(H1N1) and A(H3N2), and offers strong protection against the virus. 

With increased travel and social gatherings expected over the holiday, health officials urge the public to take preventative measures to curb the spread of illnesses, including vaccination, frequent hand washing, proper coughing etiquette and wearing masks.

<Today's Vocabulary - 오늘의 단어>

urge: 강력히 권고하다 resident: 주민 get vaccinated: 백신접종을 하다 prevent: 예방하다 respiratory: 호흡의 illness: 질환 suspected: 의심되는 outpatient: 외래환자 immunity: 면역력 approximately: 대략

Editor: Song Soomi

Copy Editors: Ryu Hyoseung, Anton J. Mapoy