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Busan rises to 13th place in the Smart Centres Index

니콘_김대권_마린시티 4
source: visitbusan

London-based think tank Z/Yen has ranked Busan 13th out of 77 cities on the latest edition of the Smart Centre Index (SCI 10), which evaluates the innovation and technology offerings of leading commercial and financial centres worldwide. Busan is ranked the highest among Korean cities, reflecting its dedicated efforts to establish itself as a global hub and digital-centered smart city.

Busan's ascent in the rankings is remarkable. Since debuting at 62nd place in June 2021, the city has climbed an impressive 49 spots in just over three years. In the latest survey, Busan also secured the second-highest ranking among Asian cities, surpassing Hong Kong and trailing only Singapore.

The top 10 cities on the SCI 10 are London, New York, Zurich, San Francisco, Singapore, Cambridge, Geneva, Oxford, Tel Aviv, and Los Angeles.

The index evaluates cities across six key areas: technology, financial services, reputation, business environment, human capital, and infrastructure. Busan performed exceptionally well across all six categories, placing within the top 10 in five. It particularly excelled in "reputational advantage," a category based on assessments by professionals who participated in the SCI’s online questionnaire, maintaining its top position in this area.

Busan's strong performance underscores its global competitiveness and position as a leader in smart city innovation.

<Today's Vocabulary - 오늘의 단어>

evaluate: 평가하다 innovation: 혁신 commercial: 상업적인 rank: 차지하다 dedicated: 헌신적인 establish: 설립하다 ascent: 상승 remarkable: 주목할만한 impressive: 인상적인 index: 지표 reputation: 명성 capital: 자본 exceptionally: 특별히 assessment: 평가 competitiveness: 경쟁력

Editor: Song Soomi

Copy Editors: Ryu Hyoseung, Anton J. Mapoy