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New policies to improve lives in 2025 ①

28-1 2025년 이미지

Busan Metropolitan City will implement new policies in 2025 to enhance citizens’ daily lives. The initiatives span a variety of sectors, targeting economic growth, improved urban infrastructure, social welfare and cultural enrichment.

Below is a sample of the policy and system changes to come. For more information, visit the announcement page from City Hall (

[Economy, Employment and Youth Support]

○ Busan Youth Joy of Working Card: Income eligibility requirements for the “Busan Youth Joy of Working Card” will be relaxed, and the number of beneficiaries for the program will be increased. The “Busan Youth Joy of Working Card” enhances the welfare of young workers at small and medium-sized enterprises by providing welfare points that can be used across three categories: Culture and leisure, self-development and health management.

○ Busan Youth Double Joy Savings Account: The number of participants for “Busan Youth Double Joy Savings Account” will expand from 4,000 to 6,000. The “Busan Youth Double Joy Savings Account” offers a matching financial contribution from the city to help young residents build a stable foundation for their future.


○ Free Baekyang Tunnel: From January 10, toll charges for the Baekyang Tunnel will be eliminated.

○ Smart Toll System: Starting on February 1, a Smart Tolling System will be implemented on Gwangandaegyo Bridge to ease congestion and streamline the toll collection process.

○ Parking Discounts for Pregnant Women: Vehicles displaying a certified pregnancy sign will receive a 50% discount at public parking facilities, provided a pregnant individual is inside the vehicle and the necessary documentation is presented.

[Women, Childbirth and Childcare]

Postpartum Care Support: Busan will provide up to 1,000,000 won per newborn to support postpartum care and health management expenses.

○ Children’s English Education: Deullak Nallak centers will increase from 42 to 60 to enhance access to English education for children citywide.

[Safety, Environment and Hygiene]

○ Restaurant Menu Translation: A new platform will enable local restaurants to create foreign-language menus, improving accessibility for international residents and visitors. 

[Culture, Sports and Tourism]

○ Promote Reading: Busan will operate “reading culture festivals” around the city’s unique outdoor spaces to promote cultural engagement, literacy and a love of reading among citizens. 

◎ 2025 Changes in Systems and Policies:

<Today's Vocabulary - 오늘의 단어>

implement: 시행하다 policy: 정책 enhance: 향상시키다 span: 걸치다 a variety of: 다양한 sector: 부문 welfare: 복지 income: 소득 eligibility: 자격 relax: 완화하다 enterprise: 기업 stable: 안정적인 be eliminated: 없어지다 congestion: 혼잡 streamline: 간소화하다 pregnancy: 임신 postpartum: 산후의 accessibility: 접근성

Editor: Song Soomi

Copy Editors: Ryu Hyoseung, Anton J. Mapoy