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Geoscientists set to tackle Earth's biggest challenges

3-1 세계지질과학총회 포스터_cw15

The 37th International Geological Congress 2024, one of the biggest science events in the world, will take place from Aug. 25 to 31 at BEXCO in Haeundae-gu District.

The IGC brings together geoscientists from around the world to advance fundamental and applied research in Earth sciences. Since the first congress in Paris in 1878, geoscientists have gathered every four years to share ideas on keeping our planet safe and healthy.

This marks the first time Korea has hosted the IGC, and the first IGC held in East Asia since 1996. The upcoming event in Busan is meaningful as it will be the first conference in eight years where geoscientists will gather in person; the last IGC in 2020 was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Around 3,800 abstracts were submitted, and more than 7,000 participants from 120 countries are expected to join the Busan conference.

The gathering scientists are expected to discuss a variety of topics, namely international cooperation in space exploration, nuclear safety, future energy and geotourism.

Of particular focus will be the Anthropocene Epoch, an unofficial unit of geologic time that describes the recent period in Earth's history when human activity has had a significant impact on the planet. Scientists will examine how human activity affects Earth's geology, landscape, water, ecosystems and climate, and propose geological-based solutions to saving the planet. 

During the conference, organizers will present the Busan Declaration, which asks geoscientists to take on a new role in responding to environmental disasters and outlines a collective commitment to advancing geosciences and addressing global challenges. 

The IGC will offer a variety of programs to visitors who wish to learn more about geoscience. Naturally, since Busan is the City of Film, there will be free movie screenings via the GeoFilm Festival at the Busan Cinema Center between Aug. 26 and 30. Festivalgoers can watch "Ashfall," "Tidal Wave," "The Moon," "Concrete Utopia" and "Pandora." In addition, film directors, cast members and geography experts will visit and talk with audiences.

On Aug. 30 and 31, the IGC will host Public Day. Visitors are invited to check out the GeoExpo, a collection of thematic pavilions set up by universities, public organizations and private companies. Visitors will get an up-close look at the latest research and developments in geoscience from esteemed institutions like the National Aeronautics and Space Agency, the International Atomic Energy Agency and others.

<Vocab Spotlight> 

geoscientist: 지구과학자 (※geoscience:지구과학)

Anthropocene Epoch: 인류세(지질 시대의 구분으로, 인류가 지구 지질이나 생태계에 미친 영향에 주목하여 제안됨)

audience: 관객

thematic: 주제별의

National Aeronautics and Space Agency: 미국 항공우주국(NASA)

International Atomic Energy Agency: 국제원자력기구(IAEA)