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Happiness is a government priority

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Busan is good for children.

During his mayoral campaign, Park Heong-joon's slogan was, "Busan, your home for today and beyond." His dream was "to create a city where every citizen is happy."

Two years after being elected, Mayor Park's dream is becoming a reality. Domestic and international surveys show that Busan is quickly gaining a reputation as a "happy city where people would want to live even if they were born again."

For the second consecutive year, Busan ranks as the sixth-best city in Asia and the top city in Korea on the Global Liveability Index 2024. The index, produced and published by the U.K.-based Economist Intelligence Unit, assesses which locations worldwide provide the best living conditions. The evaluation is based on five categories; stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure.

Busan scored 87 points on the index, placing it amongst the world's best cities in providing its citizens with a high quality of life.

On the domestic front, Busan has been recognized as the best city in Korea for children. In the 2024 Child Well-Being Index, produced by Save the Children and the Institute of Social Welfare of Seoul National University, Busan children had the highest quality of life.

Across eight objective and subjective categories, Busan had the highest overall score among 17 cities nationwide. In particular, Busan significantly outscored other cities regarding children's health, subjective happiness, children's relationships,  and housing and environment. 

Since being recognized as a UNICEF Child-Friendly City in 2019, Busan has implemented various policies to promote children's rights and well-being.

Busan is receiving recognition for its commitment to improve the quality of life for every citizen.

<Vocab Spotlight> 

reputation: 평판

consecutive: 연속의

recognition: 인식