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Discount period on tolls benefits commuters


Commuting over the Eulsukdodaegyo Bridge is cheaper thanks to Busan’s new discount policy, effective on Jan. 1.

The city is extending discounted toll hours on the bridge, which apply between 6 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 8 p.m. 

To take advantage of the cheaper tolls, vehicles must be registered on the Eulsukdo Daegyo Commuters Discounted System (을숙도대교 출퇴근 차량할인), which can be done at (

<Eulsukdodaegyo Bridge Tolls >


Engine size (cc)

under 1000cc

1000 to 1,599

1,600 to 1,999

Over 2,000


700 won

1,400 won

2,400 won

3,100 won


500 won

1,000 won

1,700 won

2,200 won