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Events showcase city expo efforts


A light canopy inside Busan Citizen Park's Hope Dream Light Festival.

In early April, Busan Metropolitan City will host large-scale events to welcome the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) on-site inspection delegation. Various collaborative efforts, such as concerts and festivals, are scheduled throughout the city to spread excitement for the World Expo 2030 Busan locally as well as around the globe. The inspection period will be designated "Expo Week."

One such event is the popular Nakdonggang River Cherry Blossom Festival, held at Daejeo Ecological Park in Gangseo-gu (district) from March 31 to April 2, which was on pause due to the spread of COVID-19. Additional events are in the works for the week, including Busan Citizen Park's Hope Dream Light Festival originally scheduled to close last month but has been extended to conclude April 7.