Busan Biennale 2024
Admiring the work of artist Kyung Hwa Kim.
"Le Paris" (2024) by Cheikh Ndiaye.
A collection of work by Kim Jipyeong.
Portraits by artist Yun Suknam.
"Night Sutra" (2024) by Han Mengyun.
Until Oct. 20, the Busan Biennale 2024 will be held at the Busan Museum of Contemporary Art, Busan Modern & Contemporary History Museum, HANSUNG1918, and Choryang House. Works from 62 groups of artists from 36 countries will be on display across each venue.
This year's theme, "Seeing in the Dark," features art that engages with the metaphorical darkness many people navigate, as the mechanics of the world are often hidden from view. In contrast to the ideals of the European Enlightenment, where knowledge appears in the "light" of visibility, "Seeing in the Dark" asks audiences to consider darkness as a space of emancipation where a reimagination of the world may proceed.
Each biennale venue is worth visiting. Three of them are in Busan's historic downtown: Busan Modern & Contemporary History Museum, HANSUNG1918 and Choryang House.
The Busan Modern & Contemporary History Museum is in the former Busan headquarters of the Bank of Korea. Built in 1909, the facility now features exhibition halls, a children's library and a cafe stretched over 9,000 square meters.
HANSUNG1918 was established as the Busan branch of Hansung Bank in 1918. For 40 years, it was a center of bustling economic activity. In 2018, the site was remodeled into a cultural center.
The Museum of Contemporary Art is located on Eulsukdo Island, an area of natural beauty and a source of civic pride.
Visitors to the Modern & Contemporary History Museum, HANSUNG1918 and Choryang House can enjoy the exhibitions for free. However, tickets to MOCA cost 16,000 won for adults.
In addition, Korail offers travel packages for people traveling to the biennale from out of town via KTX.
<Vocab Spotlight>
Portrait: 초상화
metaphorical: 은유적인
Enlightenment: 깨달음, 계몽
emancipation: 해방
bustling: 분주한