Show off your community through Busan Vibe
Established in 2022, Busan Vibe is a long-term campaign to discover and highlight the city's people, places, food and culture. By sharing these aspects of the city, Busan Vibe aims to inspire pride in Busan’s citizens and create a city “where people want to live in generation after generation.”
Through the “Godsaenglympics,” Busan Vibe records and shares the unique experiences of people citywide. Since its inception in 2022, the “Godsaenglympics(갓생림픽)” has asked people to submit their stories and passions for a competition to find citizens Busan can be most proud of.
“Godsaenglympics” is a portmanteau of “godsaeng(갓생)” and “Olympics.”
“Godsaeng” is itself a portmanteau of the words “God” and the Korean word “saeng,” which means life. “Godsaeng” refers to living an exemplary and productive life by setting goals and diligently working to achieve them. In doing so, practitioners can feel a daily sense of fulfillment.
“Olympics” refers to the project's competition format, in which judges reward participants with gold, silver or bronze medals.
The “2024 Godsaenglympics” theme is “People in the Community.” Citizens are invited to introduce the communities and activities they participate in.
Korean or international residents may enter the competition through the official website of Busan Vibe. Contestants will introduce their group, explain its importance to themselves and the local community, and provide images and videos of group activities.
The competition is divided into three categories: Small Communities (5-20 members), Large Communities (over 20 members), and Hidden Champion for contestants to share creative ideas to establish new communities.
Submissions are open until Aug. 26. A panel of expert and citizen judges will evaluate the entries and select seven finalists.
The finalists will include three entries each from the Small and Large Communities categories and one entry from the Hidden Champion category. The finalists will win prizes, including gift certificates, food and beverage vouchers and hotel vouchers.
Another 20 entries will be eligible to win 50,000 won gift certificates through a lottery.
The top groups will also be featured in Busan Vibe’s “2024 Godsaenglympics” ebook.
Busan Vibe will upload videos and images of the finalists’ community activities to its official social media channels. The winners will be determined through a panel of judges (50%) and a public vote (50%).
For more information, visit the Busan Vibe homepage or Instagram account.
※ “2024 Godsaenglympics” (2024 갓생림픽), until Aug. 26
◎ Website and submissions:
◎ Instagram: @busanvibe_official
<Today's Vocabulary - 오늘의 단어>
establish: 설립하다 discover: 발견하다 highlight: 조명하다 aspect: 모습 inspire: 고무 시키다 pride: 자부심 generation: 세대 record: 기록하다 share: 공유하다 unique: 독특한 citywide: 도시 전역에 inception: 시작 submit: 제출하다 passion: 열정 portmanteau: 합성어 exemplary: 모범적인 productive: 생산적인 diligently: 성실하게 achieve: 성취하다 practitioner: 꾸준한 사람 fulfillment: 성취감 competition: 경쟁 format: 구성 방식 judge: 심사하다 divide into: ~로 나뉘다 submission: 제출 expert: 전문가
Editor: Song Soomi
Copy Editors: Kim Miyoung, Anton J. Mapoy