Buy and sell used goods with peace of mind
If you worry about meeting strangers while selling or purchasing used goods, you don’t need to worry anymore. Busan City has established Safety Zones citywide to help citizens safely conduct second-hand transactions.
The Busan Autonomous Police Committee oversees 10 safety zones citywide. Each zone is in a public setting, marked in green, and equipped with real-time closed-circuit television and bright lights. The program has been in operation since 2022, and the BAPC provides a secure environment for second-hand transactions.
Refer to the table below for Safety Zone locations.
<Today's Vocabulary - 오늘의 단어>
stranger: 낯선사람 sell: 팔다 purchase: 구매하다 used goods: 사용품(중고품) establish: 설치하다 conduct: 진행하다 second-hand: 중고 transaction: 거래 equipped with: ~를 갖추다 real-time: 실시간의 operation: 운영
Editor: Song Soomi
Copy Editors: Kim Miyoung, Anton J. Mapoy