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Heat wave continues in Busan, stay safe and hydrated


source: Ministry of the Interior and Safety


Busan is currently enduring a heat wave, with scorching sunshine and high humidity levels causing extremely hot temperatures

During a heat wave, it's essential to take extra precautions to stay cool and protect yourself from heat-related health risks. Here are some important tips to stay safe during the heat wave:

✔ Stay Hydrated: With high temperatures and humidity levels, it can be difficult to gauge just how much fluid your body is losing. The general rule in hydration is to drink when you are thirsty; however, it is also true that by the time you feel thirsty, you are already behind in fluid replacement. To avoid dehydration, it is essential to drink enough fluids and eat hydrating foods throughout the day.

 Stay Indoors during Peak Heat: Avoid going outside during the hottest time of the day, typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If possible, plan outdoor activities for cooler hours, like early morning or late evening.

 Know the Nearest Hospitals: Familiarize yourself with the location and contact numbers of the nearest hospitals in case of any heat-related emergencies.

If you or anyone around you feels dizzy, weak, anxious or suffers from a headache or muscle cramps, rest immediately in a cool place, measure your body temperature and drink fluids to rehydrate. Medical attention is needed if symptoms last more than an hour.

Remember, extreme heat can be dangerous, particularly for vulnerable individuals like the elderly, infants, and those with certain medical conditions. By following these guidelines and staying vigilant, you can ensure a safer and more comfortable experience during the heatwave. Stay cool, take care of yourself, and take care of others and help them if you can.

<Today's Vocabulary - 오늘의 단어>

currently: 최근에 enduring: 지속되다 heat wave: 폭염 scorching: 뜨겁게 내리 쬐는 humidity: 습도 extremely: 극도로 temperature: 온도 essential: 필수적인 precaution: 예방책 protect: 보호하다 heat-related: 폭염과 관련된 risk: 위험 hydrated: 수분을 유지하다 gauge: 측정하다 fluid:수분 hydration: 수분 공급 dehydration: 탈수 indoor: 실내 typically: 전형적으로 nearest: 가장 가까운 familiarize: 친숙하게 하다 dizzy: 어지러운 anxious: 긴장되는 suffer from: ~로 고통받다 headache: 두통 muscle cramp: 근육 경련 rest: 휴식을 취하다 immediately: 즉시 symptom: 증상 measure: 측정하다 vulnerable: 취약한 individual: 개인(사람) elderly: 노인 infant: 영유아 vigilant: 경계하는

Editor: Song Soomi

Copy Editors: Kim Miyoung, Anton J. Mapoy