Discover valuable items at the 2024 Citizens’ Flea Market
The 2024 Citizens’ Flea Market will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 23 at Songsanghyeon Square.
Since 2003, the event has served as a marketplace for previously owned goods and educational events sharing the value of environmental protection and prosperity.
Social enterprises, nonprofit organizations and individuals will participate in the event and sell second-hand goods such as clothes, accessories, books and others. Furthermore, visitors can exchange their dead batteries for free new ones.
Both adults and children will join the market as sellers. Plus, children can enjoy events such as recycling workshops, hands-on classes to make upcycling crafts and environmental campaigns.
Even if you missed a chance to join the event as a seller, do not be disappointed. Busan Metropolitan City will run the market on the third Saturday of every month until November. In addition, more flea markets will be held across the city. The city government will run “The pilot project for flea markets at the gu, district level” in Yeongdo-gu, Nam-gu, Geumjeong-gu and Suyeong-gu this year.
※ The 2024 Citizens’ Flea Market, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 23
◎ Songsanghyeon Square: 818 Jungang-daero, Busanjin-gu
◎ Inquiry: Resource Recirculation Division (051-888-3696)
<Today's Voca- 오늘의 단어>
square: 광장 environmental: 환경적인 prosperity: 번영 individual: 개인 second-hand: 중고의
Editor: Song Soomi
Copy Editors: Kim Miyoung, Anton J. Mapoy