Enjoy Busan
Sweet nighttime adventure awaits at Yongdusan Park
nighttime: 야간
Starry Night in Busan returns for its sweetest adventure yet! The Cookie Run Milky Way Station Pop-up will take place at Yongdusan Park from Dec. 13 to 25.
Cookie Run, the flagship mobile game from Devsisters, invites everyone to step into an enchanted world of gingerbread cookies come to life. Visitors can meet their favorite cookie characters, play the latest Cookie Run game, buy special edition merchandise and win prizes. The adventure is open daily from 2 to 9 p.m. during the festival period.
Starry Night in Busan is a series of programs and festivals that promote Busan’s best nighttime attractions.
Visit the official Instagram pages of Starry Night in Busan and Cookie Run to learn more.
◎ Yongdusan Park: 37-55 Yongdusan-gil, Jung-gu
◎ Starry Night in Busan Instagram: @starry_night_busan.kr
◎ Cookie Run Instagram: @gingerbrave_dev
<Today's Vocabulary - 오늘의 단어>
invite: 초대하다 enchanted: 마법에 걸린, 황홀한 merchandise: 상품 promote: 홍보하다 nighttime: 야간 attraction: 관광명소
Editor: Song Soomi
Copy Editors: Ryu Hyoseung, Anton J. Mapoy