Daily Busan
Han Kang is the first Korean to win the Nobel Prize in Literature
source: Kyobo
Han Kang, best known for her novels “The Vegetarian” and “We Do Not Part,” was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. She is both the first South Korean and the first Asian woman to win the award.
The Busan Metropolitan Library is conducting various programs to commemorate Ms. Han and her historic victory. The library has a special exhibition on Ms. Han and the inspiration behind her novels. Award-winning titles by other Korean authors are also introduced.
Sales of Ms. Han’s books have skyrocketed since the Nobel award was announced. If you can’t purchase one at a local bookstore, check out the Busan Metropolitan Library. The library has temporarily increased its stock of Ms. Han’s novels. Now, more citizens can enjoy her stories and celebrate this unprecedented achievement.
◎ Busan Metropolitan Library: 33, Sasang-ro 310beon-gil, Sasang-gu
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novel: 소설 be awarded: 상을 받다 literature: 문학 commemorate: 기념하다 exhibition: 전시 inspiration: 영감 skyrocket: 치솟다 purchase: 구매하다 temporarily: 일시적으로 stock: 재고 unprecedented: 전례 없는 achievement: 성과
Editor: Song Soomi
Copy Editors: Kim Miyoung, Anton J. Mapoy