Daily Busan
Busan Adong offers winter vacation classes for students
Busan Adong (아동보호종합센터) will host “Winter Vacation Class” (겨울방학특강) at Ggumnuri Library (꿈누리 도서실) from Jan. 2 to 18, 2024. The class aims to provide exciting and educational programs to children from 6 to 12 years old during the upcoming winter vacation.
The program includes four classes. “Reading and Maker” (책과 함께 융합메이커) will have students read books and work on projects; cooking and baking classes will have students making sweet treats; story time classes feature book reading and playing; and “Let’s Play English” (영어그림책과 놀자!) combines English-language learning and crafts.
To reserve a seat, visit the website below from Dec. 18; classes are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Classes are currently full except for “Let’s Play English” (영어그림책과 놀자!). For details, visit the website below or call Ggumnuri Library (꿈누리 도서실)
※ Winter Vacation Class (겨울방학특강), from Jan. 2 to 18, 2024.
◎ Busan Adong (아동보호종합센터)
• Website: www.busan.go.kr/adong
• Address: 183 Kkachigogae-ro Seo-gu
◎ Reservation: https://reserve.busan.go.kr/lctre/list?srchGugun=&srchResveInsttCd=17
◎ Inquiry: Ggumnuri Library (꿈누리 도서실) 051-610-6327