Daily Busan
Food Safety Korea wants to keep you healthy

source: foodsafetykorea.go.kr
Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drug Safety released “Healthy and Safe Consumption of Food with Food Safety Korea.”
Written in five foreign languages (English, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese and Khmer), the guide provides information on food allergies, preventing food-borne illness, and healthy eating habits.
The guide is available on the Food Safety Korea website and features screen reader technology for individuals who are visually impaired, illiterate, or have a learning disability. Hard copies will be distributed to multi-cultural family support centers nationwide. A Braille version is expected to be published next year.
※ Healthy and Safe Consumption of Food with Food Safety Korea (식품안전나라)
◎English version: foodsafetykorea.go.kr/ebook/20231026001/e_1/index.html#page=1