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Daily Busan

The 2023 BeFM Dream Concert with BNK Busan Bank will provide insights on global and future trends


On Nov. 24, Busan Metropolitan City and the Busan Global City Foundation will host the “2023 BeFM Dream Concert with BNK Busan Bank.” The special lecture will take place at BEXCO in Haeundae-gu district.

Global leaders in various industries will share their insights and experiences with the audience during the event. Among the speakers will be Jung-Woo Ha, the head of AI Innovation at Naver Cloud. His lecture is titled “Global Trends and the Future of AI.”

Additionally, Dr. Jiyoon Kim, a highly acclaimed political analyst and the host of “Jiyoon Kim’s Evening Show” on TBS FM, will speak on developing skills to read global trends and broaden your perspective.

The free lectures will be delivered in Korean. The event will also be live-streamed on BeFM’s official YouTube channel. Audience members can ask questions via the live chat during the stream.

For more information, visit the official website of BeFM, or Busan English Broadcasting.

※ 2023 BeFM Dream Concert with BNK Busan Bank, Nov. 24 

 ◎ BEXCO: 55 APEC-ro, Haeundae-gu

 ◎ Busan English Broadcasting (BeFM):

 ◎ Application: