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Murakami Satoshi: Migratory life




Exhibition Contents:

This performance project exhibition will be held as a part of the 2018 Busan Metropolitan City‘s East Asian Culture City promotion event. This event is a friendship and cooperation program

that will be held in three cities in three countries: Busan in South Korea, Harbin in China, and Kanazawa in Japan.

In order to strengthen relations between cities, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa and Museum of Contemporary Art Busan have been proceeding exchange artists

and exhibition as a part of cultural and art interchange.


Satoshi Murakami, an artist recommended by the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, will exhibit the project of "Migratory life" project in Busan for about a month in July 2018.

His work is not a museum (gallery) type work, but a performance in which the artist takes a house (props) while walking, places a house in a certain place, temporarily resides

and records the situation at that time. Therefore, the project will be 'witnessed' by pedestrians and villagers of the street. This 'witness' soon becomes 'appreciation'.


The artist, Satoshi Murakami says he was newly inspired by the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. Our daily lives lies on a relationship with the society

while ‘residing’ in the local area. However, he started to have a question about that unconditional value.

He started the "Migratory life" project from 2014 because he thought that he could not continue his daily life as it is. One of his "Migratory life" projects is the performance which is shown here, now.

The awareness of carrying a portable house and walking around on foot shakes our firmly general and commonsense perception of 'residence' and 'the place of residence'.


The changes in the paradigm of modern society have broken down the existing commonsense and order and demanded to create a new value and reorganization of an order.

Such changes have even shook our perceptions and lifestyles. This performance project will provide fresh ventilation for 'residences' and 'the place of residence'.


The performance of the residents and the house you have discovered is a work in progress. Thank you for your cooperation.



Reference Works:

집의동사형2   집의동사형3


Satoshi Murakami(村上慧) / Japan

1988 Born in Tokyo, Japan

2011 Arch, Musashino Art University

Started "Migratory life" project from 2014

Roppongi Art Night 2013Roppongi Hills/Tokyo

Setouchi Triennale 2016(Shodoshima/Kagawa), Open Air Biennale(2017)


자료관리 담당자

전진이 (051-220-7355)



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